Reconciliation Action Plans
RAP Development
The Reconciliation Actions Plan (RAP) provides a framework for organisations to realise their vision for reconciliation. They are practical plans of action built on relationships, respect and opportunities. They create social change and economic opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
Why develop a RAP?
Since 2006, thousands of organisations, schools and early learning services have created a RAP, generating significant opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and individuals. From Australia’s biggest corporates (84% of the top 100 companies) to not-for-profit and government organisations, the RAP community is a diverse and fast growing collective of organisations turning their good intentions into action. RAPs align with the governments 'Close the Gap' initiative and can provide a structured, sustainable and systematic approach to the government commitment to closing the gap through Indigenous engagement and participation including employment, procurement and community engagement.
CCAB can assist in the development of a RAP
Reconciliation Australia has trademarked the RAP process and has developed a framework that must be worked through by a group in the organisation called the 'RAP working group'. This process develops the RAP.
It starts with an audit of what the organisation is already doing with an Indigenous focus and develops additional strategic activity or builds on activity in place as appropriate.
It is an ongoing, evolving process and is refreshed annually with new targets and activities in response to the annual review of the previous years’ efforts.
Is holistic; it involves the whole of the business and is not a set of stand-alone activities. Aligns activities with other policy and strategy documents such as HR, diversity, employment and the organisation's values and activity to date
It is developed through an interactive process and can take from three to twelve months to complete, depending on the needs and resourcing of the organisation
Our Methodology
CCAB acts as a facilitator working with a RAP Working Group to ensure the process is interactive and engages all staff within the organisation. Each session involves a diversity of work tasks including research, RA liaison, creating drafts, logistics, facilitation, and communication with Working Group members and external Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, reporting and reviewing as required, and the formal lodgement of the RAP with Reconciliation Australia. Practical outcomes and achievable targets are the focus, with a 'refresh' of the RAP annually to ensure targets are a met and extended where appropriate.
CCAB has assisted over sixty corporate partners with the facilitation and development of their RAP and the implementation of their RAP activities. Corporations include: News Ltd, Australia Post, Ernst & Young, BP Australia, CME, Foxtel, Xstrata, Thiess, Melbourne Storm, Parramatta Eels, Lockton, Bunzl, SECOM, Australian Government Department of Health, RAA, ISPT, APP, Knight Frank, Valmont, Zippy, Certis, and many others, and has been involved with the input to the development of RAPs by others such as Lend Lease, Commonwealth Bank, Winc, Westpac.
RAP Implementation
Once the RAP has formal endorsement by RA and is launched by the organisation, the work of putting the committed actions in place begins. At this point, many organisations seek additional support to appropriately and authentically deliver the RAP activities, particularly in cases where the RAP is still a new initiative and internal support by an Indigenous employee/ resource is not in place. CCAB can offer advice and practical support during this phase.
Some of our recent work